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发布时间:2018-12-10 15:27人气:



  对时尚的热情Passion for Fashion

  时尚是我们的激情Fashion is our Passion

  每一个故事的风格A Style for every Story

  做自己的标签Be your own label

  为了成功的生活For successful living

  敢于裸露Dare to Bare

  一整晚看上去都很闪亮Look bright all day all night

  打扮得就像你已经出名了Dress like you’re already famous

  为精英人士精心设计Well Designed for Top Minds

  新的风格,新的面貌Fresh Styles. Fresh Looks.

  气派的走出去Walk out in style

  模特的世界A model’s world

  沉溺于风格Addicted to style

  美就是一切Beauty is everything

  感觉很好Just feels right!

  因为时尚没有界限Because fashion has no boundaries

  经典永不过时A classic never goes out of style

  我们的模特可以打败他们的模特Our models can beat up their models.

  质量永不过时Quality never goes out of style.

  真正的风格永不消逝True style never dies.

  艺术和科学碰撞的地方Where art and science collide.

  穿得像个老板Dress like a boss

  生命短暂,使每件衣服都有价值Life is short, make every outfit count

  不仅仅是时尚,还有设计Not just fashion, but design

  随时随地最好看The best look anytime anywhere

  美丽常驻Stay beautiful

  做得好,活得好,穿得很好Do well, live well & dress really well

  历史上最短的恐怖故事,卖光了Shortest horror story ever, Sold Out

  想穿什么就穿什么Always wear what you want to wear

  现在买还是以后哭Buy now or cry later

  我可以放弃购物,但我不是一个放弃的人I could give up shopping, but I’m not a quitter

  生活不是完美的,但你的衣服可以Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be

  我不做时尚,我就是时尚I don’t do fashion, I am fashion

  除了我,我不为任何人打扮I don’t dress up for anyone but me

  每一天都是一场时装秀,世界就是你的跑道Every day is a fashion show & the world is your runway

  时尚是一种生活方式Fashion is a style of life

  时尚是我的药Fashion is my drug

  你应该总是觉得漂亮You should always feel pretty

  你喜欢的风格!The style you love!

  时尚是我最喜欢的词Fashion is my favorite F word

  穿衣服是一种生活方式Dressing is a way of life

  时尚离不开人Fashion is nothing without people

  每天都觉得性感Feel sexy everyday

  从出生起就很有品位Classy since birth

  我是个时尚女孩I’m a fashion girl

  在传统与时尚相遇的地方Where tradition meets fashion



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